Sometimes, I strike on a right combination and came up with something delicious. Today is one of them. I surfed The Star’s site and read two recipes, from Amy Beh and Majorie Chiew. I combined both ideas and make use with whatever I have in my fridge and came up with this recipe. BRAISED MUTTON […]
Author: lilian
Changing eating patterns for a healthier lifestyle
It is frightening how people are getting sick with diabetes and hypertension. It is like almost every other person I know who is above 45 years old has some sort of health concern. Though we have read a lot about preventing these diseases like more exercise, a healthier diet and less stress, people still succumb […]
Go Natural For A Good Night Sleep
I just read a short article that has been passed around the social media sites about women needing more hours of sleep than men. It says that women become grumpy when they do not have enough sleep. The recommended hours are nine solid hours. I don’t think I can ever achieve that. In fact, if […]
Organic food made easy with organic home delivery
A lot of people like the idea of going organic but dislike the trouble of going to the nearest store for the freshest ingredients. Not many places have the convenience of organic food stores and hence, one may have to drive several extra miles just to find one. Good thing that they now have organic […]
Quick dinner recipes
Many of us moms usually do not have a lot of time to prepare an elaborate dinners during working and school days. Most often than not, we will whip up some quick but not so healthy meals. There are the frozen meals, quick frying stuffs or canned foods. These are not good for our children […]
Hungi style of cooking
During the Earth Hour 2010, I was invited to a Hungi style meal. What they did was to bury the meats into a pit and allow the meats to cook underground. The chef is from New Zealand and he told us that the Maoris use this method of cooking. Over there they can even cook […]