A KFC moment

Do you remember one KFC or is it McDonald’s advertisement where this family was driving in a storm and they were looking for food? Well, we had that moment today. A huge storm hit and heavy rain and thunder and lightning were flashing in the sky. It was one mean storm. However, we were hungry and need food badly.

heavy rain

So, hubby drove us in the storm but we didn’t know where to head to because we couldn’t possibly get down from the car without getting wet. Then, we had an idea to head to Tesco as it has shaded carpark. However, foods at Tesco sucks.

After much argument, debating, cajoling and fighting, we settled for Kentucky Fried Chicken.


I discovered the Spicy something chicken with curry leaves and crunchy, spicy batter is rather good on a rainy day. I wanted a cheeze meltz or something but they had ran out of stock. So, I made do with cheesy wedges.

We rarely go to fast food restaurants like KFC or McD unless we really have no other choices. If you live in Penang, you never will never run out of choices, actually.

Post Author: lilian

Used to be PenangFaces, now known as Food Haven, for all oink-oink foods

1 thought on “A KFC moment


    (October 10, 2008 - 9:27 am)

    Having Fast Food is not bad once in a while, specially if you couldnt find a good place or meal.

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