Since I started this blog, I have a somewhat different lifestlye.
Previously, I am rather lazy in driving my children out to any place during the day due to the heat and bright sun. It is not an easy job to drag a small toddler out because of the number of things to bring along.
However, we rather enjoy outings now because I have photo opportunity while the children has the chance to play around.
This is a picture of the Penang Botanical Gardens. It has this nice, long stretch of grass path and flanked by beautiful flowers at the side. Butterflies of various colours fluttering amongst the flower is indeed an amazing sight for a toddler.
Running barefoot on the grass is certainly thrilling for my toddler. However, I am not sure why the photo looks a bit awkward. It must be my bad photography because my toddler seems to have very short legs and long body. Hahaha. I was sitting on the grass when I took this photo.
This is a tiny, purple flower. I seems to have problem with my camera White Balance. Purple colours turned out blue, meaning there is a lack of red? Anyway, I had enhanced the colour with some softwares, hence it looks artificial.