Random photos of nature

I finally get my Konica-Minolta Z3 camera back. It was in the repair shop for the last month. Therefore, I am definitely going to take a lot of nice, yummylicious food photos.

Meantime, I snapped some photos when my children were at the Penang Botanical Gardens. There are things that seem to look nicer when you captured them close-up and enlarge in huge size.

My Konica camera enable me to take nice macro shots. Almost every photographers would have taken photograph of subjects like the spider web. I had cropped the photo, purposely adjust the contrast and brightness to make the intricate web design stands out.


Next subject that most people like taking is buds and young shoots. Young shoot of plant gives that fresh look. I purposely scooped some water from a fountain and splash on the shoot to create the dew drop effect.


My children were delighted to find a little squirrel scurrying past their feet. Little toddler exclaimed, “Mama, look! Rat!” The squirrel bravely went to a man who was sitting on the bench munching potato crisps. I use the zoom to capture this photo. It has been a long time since I last saw a squirrel that lives in the wild. All the time, I saw them at the zoo.


Such a nice walk in the park today.

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